Venture and equity capital have been hot topics in this region recently and Southeastern Europe is no stranger in innovation in technology, energy and science. With this in mind, Balkan Unlimited first kickstarted a long-term commitment to exploring investment and financing opportunities in this region with the Balkan Venture Forum in Skopje earlier this year. We are now ready for the next step in that commitment and we believe the region is as well, so we have organized the Balkan Venture Forum in Belgrade, which will take place at Belgrade’s Hotel Metropol Palace on November 22-23.
The Venue
The venue itself speaks volumes of the investment potential in this region. The recently renovated Hotel Metropol Palace is a famous downtown Belgrade landmark and has now reopened its doors to guests and gatherings like the Balkan Venture Forum. A combination of that old European feel so familiar to many and the modern, bustling, growing environment that Southeastern European cities are today, Hotel Metropol Palace presents the perfect backdrop to the Balkan Venture Forum and we thank them for welcoming us and our guests.

For special rates and terms for the guests of BkVF, please contact Hotel Metropol Palace or download the booking form here in PDF and email it directly to While we highly recommend staying at Hotel Metropol Palace during the Balkan Venture Forum, feel free to get in touch with us for other accommodation recommendations or assistance.
Why Attend?
The Balkan Venture Forum in Belgrade will gather over 40 investors and a total of over 70 expert speakers. Aside from two days of panels and discussions on the subjects of the current state of the market, global market demand, advice on developing ideas, projects and companies, and successful preparation for investment opportunities and implementation, guests and participants will also have the rare opportunity for one-on-one meetings, practical advice and solutions, not to mention good times to be had during the conference.
Please take a minute to view the programme and other details of the Balkan Venture Forum around our site and we hope to see you at Hotel Metropol Palace in Belgrade on November 22-23. Welcome to the Balkan Venture Forum!